Active & Deleted User Analysis along with Network Graphs for dissemination of information

Jul 15

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Welcome to the 2nd installment to my "Unraveling Coordinated Behaviour" series. Here I will deep dive into one of the projects I have worked on in SimPPL.

Executive Summary

As the second installment of "Unraveling Coordinated Behaviour" series, this article continues to explore coordinated activities.

This deep dive uncovers intriguing patterns and connections, providing valuable insights into coordinated behavior on social media platforms. The analysis aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of how information spreads and influences discourse within specific user groups.

Quick Recap from Part 1: Comparative Analysis of User Groups for different Time Intervals

Active User Analysis

Number of Active Users per Tweet Range

Aberrant tweet sharing behavior observed across the entire day

Temporal distribution of user activity over entire span of data collection

Deleted User Analysis

Note: While we were constrained in our ability to collect data from deleted accounts due to rate limits, we present a preliminary analysis of the data that we did collect, finding that they yield important signals to identify common narratives promoted by such networks. We collect and spotlight some of the patterns we found among these accounts as a roadmap towards building a more comprehensive analytics pipeline for the reader's benefit with the explicit disclaimer that the data on account-level interactions are only a fraction of their potential total interactions on Twitter.

Spectrum of Deleted user tweets

Deleted Users having highest number of tweets

The goal is to analyse the top 0.1% of our dataset's Deleted Users which have the highest number of tweets and their engagement pattern throughout their lifespan on Twitter

Aberrant tweet sharing behavior observed across the entire day

Temporal distribution of user activity over their entire lifespan (significant activity ending on March 31)

Temporal distribution of user activity over their entire lifespan (last activity in March 2-4 period)

Top 10 Urls for Deleted Users and their overall interactions

Top 10 Urls shared in coordinated fashion (within 5 second interval) by groups of Deleted users

Network Analysis

Network Analysis for Top 10 Urls shared in coordinated fashion (within 5 second interval) by Deleted users groups

Now we will analyse how sharing is done based on a network level.

  • Nodes reflect user handles
  • Directional Edge indicates interaction (retweet, quote, reply)
  • Color of edge indicates Article shared
  • Color of node is based on modularity

Network Analysis of urls which were first posted in February

  • Nodes reflect user handles
  • Directional Edge indicates interaction (retweet, quote, reply)
  • Color of edge indicates Article shared
  • Color of node is based on modularity

Network Analysis of Special 22 urls

  • We have calculated toxicity scores for posts using Perspective API, which provides a score ranging from 0 to 1, quantifiying level of toxicity in the tweet text.
  • Toxicity of a url is calculated by taking the mean of toxicity scores of all the tweets that contain the url.
  • Nodes reflect user handles
  • Directional Edge indicates interaction (retweet, quote, reply)
  • Color of edge indicates Article shared
  • Color of node is based on modularity

Refined Network Analysis of Special 22 urls



Thanks for reading! Keep exploring. Stay tuned.